
Monday, May 15, 2023

It's happened again!

 Shhheeessshhh!  Such a time period with no updates.  Well for the last few months I can blame that on having post covid / long covid issues.  Just haven't been up to playing etc.  So the Wednesday Face to Face group has had some changes with two of our players moving down to Christchurch.  Several of us have had covid or fallen off there motor bikes and cracked some ribs or are reacting to their own post cancer events.. Been a busy year so far with not that much gaming. Anyhow we have recently started a game up in Castles and Crusades based 1500 years in the past of modern day Skagin entitled Nations at War.  While history will be immutable it will be interesting to see how and where the players take this. Already they have had encounters with interlopers from other planes and are aware that there is some cloak and dagger happenings and somehow they have just signed on to be involved in it - without knowing much except they get coin for their efforts.

My other games have suffered the most as my mind could not really play the game and comprehend the logistics of playing over the interwebs and all the wonderful complications that can bring.  Started up last Saturday to see if I could run my Traveller Universal game on 8+ and do it and managed to hang in to the end of session.  So we play again next week end and then people are dispersing for various things so we will have another hiatus until we can all convene.  I hope to restart my other two online games in a fortnight so (hopefully) will be able to post about them.  Anyways if you want to read about the Face to Face game goto to read in some posts the players have done.

Other than that I am just thankful my brain isn't some much mush that it has been over the past two and a half months.  See you at the game table. Game on!


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It just keeps slipping away...


Hi there once more , after a long gap of time. So right now I am lying in bed, suffering another virus, not of the Covid variety, but enough to lay me low. Just decided to reconnect with the blog-o-sphere. What's been happening. A lot and nothing. The game over on Beware the Smiling DM has come to its climatic ending earlier this year, the group having - oh I'll leave that to that particular blog. We have finished the game of  2300ad on 8+ . The 10th alignment game has stalled several times.  Since starting we have managed 3 sessions and I think we are not going to be able to reconvene to complete the story. The game over at Hero vs Villain - Batch 22 - played five sessions and was well received by the group who enjoyed the different style of the game and story line. We may return , probably in another system, to have some ongoing adventures in their universe.  Truth be told I have a lot of recorded games that need being edited a little and placed on their respective blogs but I just haven't the energy or inclination to do that for a while now.

    So what have I been doing and what seems to be working. The Face to Face group on Wednesdays has been wandering through several different stories etc while the group players can become more stable ( Coivd hits again!) I have now purchased White Box a Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game bought out be Seattle Hill games for each of my players and we are in the initial stages of starting up our next game Telerane- a game world set influenced by Celtic/Mesopotamian culture/history. Once this is established we hope to return to the Thix game (Beware the Smiling DM game) to resolve Nymphs story arc about why she was targeted by the Assassin group. My online games - Edgegate a White Box FMG (WBFMA), is progressing nicely and all the players appear to be enjoying it, the Supers game (Hero vs Villain) are trying a new system 1Dice supers which seems to be going very well and into its sixth session with the group doing more than just showing up and walloping the bad guys. The crew over on 8+ are now playing out a story in Traveller (1983 edition) based on a trinary system.  So that's it gaming wise.

    For the future I am playing with some ideas for the face to face group to play in other parts of Barra, my 30+ years gaming world, a make up game for the face to face group when all can not be present based on WBFMAG -Swords and Sorcery style - 'The Black Coast' ,two different stories in the Traveller games, in the Supers's sphere returning to my old favourite system Villains and Vigilantes  . Also considering trying some other genres of games if my Face to face group are happy o venture out and stretch their roleplaying muscles.

Also just thought Id mention the KiwiRPG thing that is going on at the moment too. Well guess I have been doing lots of stuff but just not showing up here and talking about it. Anyway hope all of you are dealing with the ever blooming Covid challenges, the horrid events in Ukraine and anything else life is throwing at you and yours presently. Game on!


Saturday, August 28, 2021

And Endings

 Not quite sure what happened but I suddeny couldnt find the motivation to continue this and several others games so I am taking two weeks to re assess, perhaps its our thurd lockdown or some seasonal change. Still want to game just not sure what. Anyhow the group did play out the second installment. After following the bandits back to their encampment in the sandy wilds they discovered their rough location an that there was a frind in the camp. Returning to the city they made plans to investigate the friend as well as set up several rumours to get people activated. With his knowledge of the bandits and the help of the original group the bandits help up they were able to convinve the City guard Captain to act. The group ended up with a new friend who is now business owner and operator of Camels, the hal ogre has a stable stall he calls home, the sorceress rents a room from their friend and the Houri returned to her temple.  All advanced to second level.  Along the way they have made several enemies.  If we ever get back to this we'll see what happens there.  Thats it for the next 2 weeks. See ya round and if you have the mojo - game on!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


  So the group start afresh. The world - Shahrazarhad. The group; Ahri, a human temple maiden of Basamam, a Houri, Haider a human Furshan, Adrahasis, a half orge Ruffian, Kurashi, an elven Theif and Nebucaddnezzar, an elven Sorcerer.

From the nation of Dharahd, in the city of Churi, this is their story...



Sunday, January 24, 2021

End of contract...

 This episode deals with the closing of their guarding contract...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The group get to be all guard-y

 Hi there second game of the year.  The story continues with the group becoming guards  for a week. Lets see what they do.....