
Friday, December 20, 2019


Hi there any who watch or listen to this. Its been a while since our last game update.  Shortly after our last recorded game hit the blog us New Zealand players were informed of a very sad event,  One of our players, Matt who played Niri, sadly took his own life. His mate Will had to break the news and deal with so much more than we did. Still the very sobering news sent out ripples that we all needed to deal with. For me, being a counselor in real life, I thought it would be easier but... life ( and the things that happen therein) don't always run how we think they will. Suffice to say it was a big impact on me ( and my work) and through the support of my husband and work colleagues I  arrived in a place that I can start to make sense of things now. I felt the group needed to break from what we were doing so we could all attend to those things we needed to and especially for Will to do all he needed to. So mid November we gathered one more time, with two new players joining us.  What you are about to listen to is the last session before Matt's decision and the next session. Where ever you are Matt thanks for being a friend and a gamer.. roll those dice with Dave and Gary...