Tabletop gaming from downunder and to the right a little bit...Inside everyone beats the heart of a hero - even if for only a few hours on a Saturday!
Monday, September 29, 2014
...... Unbelievable!!! Now we're trouncing about in a sewer, trying to look for wet footprints.... In a dank environment! These kids better find this little human or there's going to be some major issues with me about wasting MY valuable time. I could adding the finishing touches to a lovely drop,with a rare bouquet of scintillating aromas..... tease the nose and the mouth follows ;-)
...... Unbelievable!!! Now we're trouncing about in a sewer, trying to look for wet footprints.... In a dank environment! These kids better find this little human or there's going to be some major issues with me about wasting MY valuable time. I could adding the finishing touches to a lovely drop,with a rare bouquet of scintillating aromas..... tease the nose and the mouth follows ;-)
At least I'm the last to not get.......(splash) .... Bugger me. That really gets my goat! Last thing I need right now is a bath...... I'm getting angry....and what?! Who the hell are these blokes ahead of us? They look like they mean business - best I let them know I'm not in the mood to be annoyed further!!! Time to introduce them to my mates (clenches fists and knuckles crack)......
At least I'm the last to not get.......(splash) .... Bugger me. That really gets my goat! Last thing I need right now is a bath...... I'm getting angry....and what?! Who the hell are these blokes ahead of us? They look like they mean business - best I let them know I'm not in the mood to be annoyed further!!! Time to introduce them to my mates (clenches fists and knuckles crack)......
Monday, September 22, 2014
I have been in this town for a while now just bumming around i need to get up and do something get my clans name out there in honour of their memory.
I have been in this town for a while now just bumming around i need to get up and do something get my clans name out there in honour of their memory.
It's hard though as I do not like people they are so complicated unlike animals, animals are easy to get along with unless they see you as food but even then its simple and honest, the only problem with animals is they cannot spread my clans name.... I guess I will have to deal with people.
There are a few that I am acquainted with, Helja is very protective towards women and seams nice, Skye likes being the centre of attention and has a nice voice, she is noisy though but that is her job.
There is also the bouncer called ??? what was his name again? something starting with T I'm not sure I haven't spoken to him much
and another male ummm... I'm not good with names but we all sort of work for Mon the tavern owner, and his barmaid is nice enough to share her room with Helja and I.
I have heard rumours about missing animals around town from people leaving the inn so the next day I looked at the
barracks notice board it was true there has been quite a few missing animals around so I asked Helja to keep a ear out around the tavern about it.
It's hard though as I do not like people they are so complicated unlike animals, animals are easy to get along with unless they see you as food but even then its simple and honest, the only problem with animals is they cannot spread my clans name.... I guess I will have to deal with people.
There are a few that I am acquainted with, Helja is very protective towards women and seams nice, Skye likes being the centre of attention and has a nice voice, she is noisy though but that is her job.
There is also the bouncer called ??? what was his name again? something starting with T I'm not sure I haven't spoken to him much
and another male ummm... I'm not good with names but we all sort of work for Mon the tavern owner, and his barmaid is nice enough to share her room with Helja and I.
I have heard rumours about missing animals around town from people leaving the inn so the next day I looked at the
barracks notice board it was true there has been quite a few missing animals around so I asked Helja to keep a ear out around the tavern about it.
This is Skye. The most prominent thing one sees in her in game, besides possibly her half-elfishness, is her one blue, one green eye.

This is Skye. The most prominent thing one sees in her in game, besides possibly her half-elfishness, is her one blue, one green eye.
The day they met.
The day they met.
A lone man walks through the sea of flames that used to be a hamlet, stepping round the bodies. "I came to late it seams" he said sorrowfully.
Looking around one can see nothing but devastation and needless slaughter, there is countless bodies of tribesmen lying next to their spears and tribeswomen lying next to their panther companions there is even children mixed in was no one spared from this slaughter.
The man slowly started to make his way around the hamlet looking for anybody that may have survived, the more he looked the more crestfallen he became "IS ANYONE ALIVE" he shouted. The only response was the crackling of flames and a gentle breeze.
Moving his was further into the destruction there was a great number of corpses, in the centre of them all there seemed to be a spear held upright.
The man started making his way forward through the sea of dead, as he got closer he could make out a small figure holding the spear, "Hey" "Are you aright" the man said as he got closer, the small figure jumped up and spun round grabbing hold of the spear that was twice the size of its body and readied it.
The man raised his hands "Whoa calm down, calm down" "I'm not here to hurt you" The small figure bared its teeth, it was a child of around 5 covered in soot and blood.
The man took a step forwards "I saw the smoke and came to help if i can" he took a glance behind the child a saw 3 bodies there a man, a women and a giant panther, "DIEEEE!" The child screamed and charged, the man dodged the clumsy stab and brought his staff down upon the child's head knocking the child out. "Troublesome" he said shaking his head and set to work burying the dead.
A lone man walks through the sea of flames that used to be a hamlet, stepping round the bodies. "I came to late it seams" he said sorrowfully.
Looking around one can see nothing but devastation and needless slaughter, there is countless bodies of tribesmen lying next to their spears and tribeswomen lying next to their panther companions there is even children mixed in was no one spared from this slaughter.
The man slowly started to make his way around the hamlet looking for anybody that may have survived, the more he looked the more crestfallen he became "IS ANYONE ALIVE" he shouted. The only response was the crackling of flames and a gentle breeze.
Moving his was further into the destruction there was a great number of corpses, in the centre of them all there seemed to be a spear held upright.
The man started making his way forward through the sea of dead, as he got closer he could make out a small figure holding the spear, "Hey" "Are you aright" the man said as he got closer, the small figure jumped up and spun round grabbing hold of the spear that was twice the size of its body and readied it.
The man raised his hands "Whoa calm down, calm down" "I'm not here to hurt you" The small figure bared its teeth, it was a child of around 5 covered in soot and blood.
The man took a step forwards "I saw the smoke and came to help if i can" he took a glance behind the child a saw 3 bodies there a man, a women and a giant panther, "DIEEEE!" The child screamed and charged, the man dodged the clumsy stab and brought his staff down upon the child's head knocking the child out. "Troublesome" he said shaking his head and set to work burying the dead.
Helja's log book.

Helja's log book.
So Helja writes in book sometimes.
Sometimes Helja remembers horrible time in village. Here in Gomel now is a missing child. That is horrible too.
Joined others to look for child. Went to the mum and dads house but everyone talking and Thokk muttering and Helja got a headache. So far, no luck to find child.
So followed everyone to sewer for a quick perfuse. Hope book stays dry.....
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
32 high sun 1022
32 high sun 1022
Whilst relaxing at the Norkeeping I was informed by Skye that a group of the locals were talking about something that seemed to be related to the disappearance of Tomtom, so I decided I better get in there and let them know how annoyed I was that even our animal populace was not safe these days. However the conversation that I walked into actually set my blood to boil, for it seems that it was not only the animals that had gone missing but now someones child as well!!!
So after a rather disappointing reaction from Mon, it was like he was more worried about his business being disrupted than the disappearance of the child, I gathered some of the other locals who cared enough to investigate and we headed out to see the family of the missing child.
The mother and father of the child, who turned out to be a girl of only 3 years, informed us that she went missing whilst the mother stepped out briefly, and unfortunately were able to provide very little else in the way of information, before Thokk managed to throw enough offensive comments out that we were asked to leave. However the investigations of myself and Valasca led us to believe the culprits of the kidnapping had escaped to the sewers, and where better for scum like that to call their home besides, so we have set of in pursuit. All I can hope for now is that we, or the city watch, manage to reach the girl before a horrid fate befalls her.
Whilst relaxing at the Norkeeping I was informed by Skye that a group of the locals were talking about something that seemed to be related to the disappearance of Tomtom, so I decided I better get in there and let them know how annoyed I was that even our animal populace was not safe these days. However the conversation that I walked into actually set my blood to boil, for it seems that it was not only the animals that had gone missing but now someones child as well!!!
So after a rather disappointing reaction from Mon, it was like he was more worried about his business being disrupted than the disappearance of the child, I gathered some of the other locals who cared enough to investigate and we headed out to see the family of the missing child.
The mother and father of the child, who turned out to be a girl of only 3 years, informed us that she went missing whilst the mother stepped out briefly, and unfortunately were able to provide very little else in the way of information, before Thokk managed to throw enough offensive comments out that we were asked to leave. However the investigations of myself and Valasca led us to believe the culprits of the kidnapping had escaped to the sewers, and where better for scum like that to call their home besides, so we have set of in pursuit. All I can hope for now is that we, or the city watch, manage to reach the girl before a horrid fate befalls her.
Thokk's sewer exploration 'log' - Good to know there are some regular people out there!

Thokk's sewer exploration 'log' - Good to know there are some regular people out there!
The island of Skagin, where adventure takes place...

The island of Skagin, where adventure takes place...
Skye's Super Awesome Adventure Log YEAH!
Skye's Super Awesome Adventure Log YEAH!
30 Hisun Endey 1022
Super Awesome Adventure Log!
Ugh, That blasted Tomtom's missing, I hope I dont find him hiding in my darn wardrobe again, last time that happened, I had to buy a new skirt. Dumb cat.
I played at the tavern again. I didn't get to bust out any kicking tunes, it was all boring "play soft soothing music" Maaan taverns are meant to be rowdy and WOOO! not "ho hum so sweet" but hey, I love to see the smiles on the faces that listen to my music, but I swear Old Mr Jenkins grabbed my butt again today, that man is so silly, but so sweet, I hope his leg heals soon.
31 Hisun Leedey 1022
Super Awesome Adventure Log!
Some stupid adventurers came along and caused a problem in town today, they looked like they were going to kill poor Johnny, but the townsfolk flocked around them before they could, they walked off with a huff and pushed over little Sally. Stupid men, I should get someone to deal with them.
More animals missing, more people missing, things are sure strange lately. Probably those ruffians. I told mum and dad about them, mum told me off for getting too close to them, OF COURSE :/ she never lets me do anything fun, but that's okay, I can just sneak out hehehe. Dad didn't say anything, he just sat there, smoking his pipe, probably didn't wanna get told off by mum either. I swear I saw him wink, he's so cool. How am I supposed to become a fantastic adventurer and have lots of great stories to share if mum wont let me do any dangerous and exciting stuff... Guh!
Anyway, that damn cat wasn't in my wardrobe (thank goodness) but I'm still worried for Hawky, if that dumb cat tries to get Hawky again, I'm gonna smack him upside the head with my lute!
I swear something's gonna burst tomorrow, I can smell adventure in the air, maybe I'll get to do something fun!
30 Hisun Endey 1022
Super Awesome Adventure Log!
Ugh, That blasted Tomtom's missing, I hope I dont find him hiding in my darn wardrobe again, last time that happened, I had to buy a new skirt. Dumb cat.
I played at the tavern again. I didn't get to bust out any kicking tunes, it was all boring "play soft soothing music" Maaan taverns are meant to be rowdy and WOOO! not "ho hum so sweet" but hey, I love to see the smiles on the faces that listen to my music, but I swear Old Mr Jenkins grabbed my butt again today, that man is so silly, but so sweet, I hope his leg heals soon.
31 Hisun Leedey 1022
Super Awesome Adventure Log!
Some stupid adventurers came along and caused a problem in town today, they looked like they were going to kill poor Johnny, but the townsfolk flocked around them before they could, they walked off with a huff and pushed over little Sally. Stupid men, I should get someone to deal with them.
More animals missing, more people missing, things are sure strange lately. Probably those ruffians. I told mum and dad about them, mum told me off for getting too close to them, OF COURSE :/ she never lets me do anything fun, but that's okay, I can just sneak out hehehe. Dad didn't say anything, he just sat there, smoking his pipe, probably didn't wanna get told off by mum either. I swear I saw him wink, he's so cool. How am I supposed to become a fantastic adventurer and have lots of great stories to share if mum wont let me do any dangerous and exciting stuff... Guh!
Anyway, that damn cat wasn't in my wardrobe (thank goodness) but I'm still worried for Hawky, if that dumb cat tries to get Hawky again, I'm gonna smack him upside the head with my lute!
I swear something's gonna burst tomorrow, I can smell adventure in the air, maybe I'll get to do something fun!
The Town of Gomel, base of operations of the beginning group

The Town of Gomel, base of operations of the beginning group
Friday, September 5, 2014
So Barra is this world. Well its not just another fantasy planet, its THE planet, the prime originator in my gaming universe. Whatever happens in Barra will eventually echo out in some form to other fantasy games.
So Barra is this world. Well its not just another fantasy planet, its THE planet, the prime originator in my gaming universe. Whatever happens in Barra will eventually echo out in some form to other fantasy games.
Barra (starting out as Skagin) has been around for 26 years (since 88) and in that time the players have diversified and explored many places on the planet - from Mu in the far east to Werris in the northern hemisphere and over to Vallar in the west. Each story was self contained yet having an impact on the planet as a whole. Barra has existed in its universe for..well for a while. (Funny thing - you ask people about its past and they seem to get a little vague as to what happened before around 2 and a half thousand years ago. Its all ancient history anyway - no need to be too concerned about it aye? ;) )
Barra (starting out as Skagin) has been around for 26 years (since 88) and in that time the players have diversified and explored many places on the planet - from Mu in the far east to Werris in the northern hemisphere and over to Vallar in the west. Each story was self contained yet having an impact on the planet as a whole. Barra has existed in its universe for..well for a while. (Funny thing - you ask people about its past and they seem to get a little vague as to what happened before around 2 and a half thousand years ago. Its all ancient history anyway - no need to be too concerned about it aye? ;) )
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